Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It has been suggested members of the Senate who have done gross injury to the health care reform bill handed to them by the House be required to wear the logo of their sponsors on their jackets (like NASCAR drivers and other riffraff) while going about the business these sponsors (the business of the people and the Republic forgotten soon after the receipts from the first fund raiser were counted up).

The networks would never offend the owners of the country by broadcasting the evidence of corruption. Inquiring minds would have to turn to C-SPAN, or the biggest thorn in the side of the owners, the Net. The Net being too democratic for our Oligarchy.

The corrupt ones would have us believe they are exercising the will of the decafeinated tea baggers, who are demented enough to believe it.

The President hopes to mandate everyone to buy health insurance even in a non competitive market. I can only wonder how the Supreme Court will deal with the legal challenge to this unfunded mandate.

Monday, May 4, 2009




This part is called “Part One”, but could be assigned almost any number, Much like a page number for a novel by William Burroughs’. Clint is counted among the living, so the exact number of parts to his life is unknown.

Clint’s mother fell in love with Clint Eastwood after seeing him in one of those foul Italian Westerns. When Clint was born to an unwed, teenage mother, he was graced with the name Clint.

Despite being a disgrace to her fellow high school students, Mom managed to become class valedictorian. The theme of her commencement speech considered the narrow-minded suburban fascist culture turning the nation into a herd of pig ignorant, sexual repressed, drunken, wife beaters.

Nixon was president.

Near our present time, Clint found a job at a bank rubber stamping loan application for any yahoo who could arrive at his desk, self powered or strapped into a motorized wheelchair. Drool optional. Assistant managers in charge of the Freedom Fries fryer at a fast food restaurant qualified for $300.000 houses. No down. No credit check.

The rubber stampers applied a joyous “approved”, along with the signature of the Harvard MBA currently running his bank, along with the country, to ruin. None dare call it treason.

Clint received a cool grand for every time he mashed the stamp on to a loan application.

He made a pile of cash, but was wise enough to keep his double-wide coach, formerly known as a trailer, and avoid the resulting crash creeping its way into the economy with the help of Clint’s bosses and most members of Congress.

The crash came, but he had no need for a high priced shyster and a deal with the US Attorney. All was forgiven long before the crash began. The butter is always on the same side of the bread. You’ll even find it in Herodotus.

He got a new job with a new stamp: Rejected!

Clint lost his job when he foolishly lent a customer a quarter to call his wife with the bad news. This act of defiance was spied by an aged security guard who reported it to the bosses as they were making a wire transfer of their multi million dollar bonus’ to an off-shore bank in an island country where it is a crime to even inquire if a foreigner had a bank account. There are just a few accounts short of the 535 for each member of Congress. Hard as it is to believe, some Congressman are honest.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

You're Welcome America

You're Welcome America. A Final Night With George Bush, confirms my opinion of Will Ferrell.He is a marginal talent as a performer, and a minor talent as a writer. Even George Bush deserves better. We deserve better. We deserve *funny*. Ferrell's persistent vulgarity detracts from what little humor there is. If he can't get ninety minutes of non stop laughs out of the presidential antics of the last four years, he should return to SNL where slow death by the humorless is the standard. Ferrell is to comedy what George Bush was to the presidency.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Rush To Cloud Koo Koo Land

Rush is becoming more like Mussolini every day. He rather resembles him. They both, at one time, managed to avoid military service (Rush had a pimple on his ass rendering him unfit for the Army or the Boy Scouts), Benito Mussolini was Il Duce of Italy and Rush is Il Duce of the Republican Party.

Mussolini got a rush from the exercise of fascist power; Rush got a rush from popping massive amounts of hillbilly heroin.

Both have managed to weaponise stupidity.