Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Theory of Everything

Yesterday in History, X-ray tech, historian, film expert, and general know-it-all, John Welsh, stopped watching THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING after about 45 minutes. A film critic known for his high tolerance for boredom, he could no longer tolerate the acute tedium of a movie about Stephen Hawking that started out slow and declined to a stillness worse than death. Worse, the viewer got no sense of the great mind prisoner in a degraded body. The focus was on the soap opera like coverage on his marriage and home-life. Think gag and puke. All in all, the picture was a disservice to the greatest theoretical physicist since Einstein, and a challenge to the viewer to stay awake (the noted cinema critic did fall asleep).

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Boss Obama

The executive action by the current occupant of the White House is the most outrageous political payoff in United States history. It is blatant vote buying of a sort that would make Tammany Hall’s Boss Tweed blush with shame. Flimflamming the country is Obama’s ambition, whereas Boss Tweed limited his political patronage to New York City. One can only wonder as to Obama’s next move. Committees of naturalization? His immigrant constituency, having won round one in the quest to Balkanize the nation, will no doubt have even greater demands. And who can blame them? They’re on a roll. A fraction of the population is compelling the nation into a constitutional crisis. Boss Obama seemingly has ambitions to become Emperor Obama. His argument is simple. Unless the Congress passes a law granting amnesty, he will do an end run around the Constitution. He has stated on twenty-two occasions he lacks the authority to grant amnesty. His executive action is the most outrageous act of cynicism ever to come out of the Oval Office. He learned nothing from the results of the midterm elections. His action will hand the Republicans the next presidency.