Saturday, October 25, 2008

First Dick and then Governerete

What we suspected all along is true: Capt. McCain aspires not just to the office of President ( a chair history has proven to wield far greater power than intended by the Framers), but to the grander of a Franco, a Stalin, a Borgia, in other words, Generalissimo. A title more modest than Supreme Dictator, Defender of the Faith and Family Values and Promoter of Retrograde Change. He gets his own Junta, much like the Supreme Dick, Cheney. Dickie Bird got a Junta without the taste of battle, as did Little Bush ( he just went buzz, buzz in an obsolete airplane).

Too bad for the Generalissimo, the Supreme Dick departs his office taking Little Bush with him, and the Generalissimo need a pliant second in command. A Gun Moll to carry his message along with his 20 mm chain gun and spare ammo. The Alaskan Governerete fits the bill. She can shoot congressman from airplanes and dress out the kill on the White House lawn. Kabang! Splat! Who left this mess on the White house lawn? Who's the Boss?

The Alaskan First Red Neck wants a son he can code-name Zamboni. Sadly, Sarah has retired form the baby making business for the Presidency of the Senate (as if they don't have enough trouble) Perhaps the Commerce Committee can buy her off with new clothes. Graft for a vice Presidential Gun Moll house is out of the question as the vice President already has a house. The First Dick resides there at the moment.

After the Republicans steal the election, she can get right down and make some Senatorial changes. Kick some booty. Do some good. Promote comity and a tax free life for the rich. How 'bout an exemption from sales tax for 'em. Its the right thing.

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