Saturday, January 9, 2010

An Immodest Proposal

The health care crisis seems to be beyond control.  Cost will continue to rise beyond the rate of inflation.  There is simply no controlling them.  It's a fools fantasy to try. 

Even if costs were halved, most families simply cannot afford the premiums.  No one will accept a reduction in salary.  Not the doctors, the nurses, or the highly payed hospital administrators, nor the corporate executives at the HMOs, insurance companies and drug outfits.

There is a solution, a low cost solution.  A cost effective solution less costly than a years supply of medication for the elderly and the chronically ill.

The answer is so simple.

The cheapest funeral in this country, a cremation, is still around three thousand dollars.  Too costly for the average family.

Forget costly medical care and sky high prescription costs; the government should simply get out of the health case business, dump Medicare and Medicade and offer free funerals to the lower classes.

No more monthly trips to the doctor and the  drugstore. No more copays.  No more hard x-ray tables, or high radiation CAT scans.  No more lengthly and noisy exams in the claustrophobic MRI scanner.

Think of the money that could be saved to be spent on wide screen TVs, video games, corn chips and beer; and cigarettes (cut taxes on smokes so people can afford their pleasures, this isn't Russia!).

Give the people the best funeral money can buy.  A real wood coffin, paid mourners, a band, a real dog and pony show with all the bells and whistles.  A big send-off will make the loved ones of the dearly departed feel so much better. Maybe a cash prize to the most demonstrative mourner!

The friends and family would have to pay for the wake.  Booze is expensive and the lower classes drink like fish. Even the cheap stuff. Fair is fair.

Another plus.  An increase in the number of wealthy undertakers, paying more income taxes. The tax rate on the top ten present would have to be capped at 15%.  They've been paying more than their share for decades.  Fair is fair.

As the lower classes die off, with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, relaxing in the Lazy-boy with a smile on their lips (what a way to go!) the practical and fair-minded Republican population might not increase, but they would soon come to out number the tax and spend, free ride Democrats.

America needs a return to sanity.

Write your Congressman, your Senators, even the President and suggest the simple solution! 

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