Sunday, February 7, 2010


The Republicans, as the tools of the Ruling Class, are very clever (no one could claim they possess real intelligence). They somehow mesmerize the right wing working class to act against their own interests.Residents of the US pay more money and get less in health care coverage than those of any other industrialized nation. The CEOs of health insurance companies are paid in the tens of millions of dollars; money better spent on the health care of subscribers. Crystal Lee Sutton, the real life model for Norma Rae in the movie of the same name, died last September of a brain cancer when her health insurance company delayed treatment that may have save her life.One blogger wrote it was almost like murder. Depraved indifference. Depraved indifference to human life. The best adjective to describe the health insurance companies.Depraved.Its part of ongoing assault on the working class and the working poor by the Ruling Class. One can only wonder why the right wing working class insists on protecting the obscene accumulation of wealth by the Rulers. Are they stupid?


Anonymous said...

That's been a question bugging for ever since the Reagan years. Why, oh why, do hard-working Americans who otherwise usually display plenty of common sense, continually fall for Republican propaganda and keep on voting for the guys who are screwing them the most?

I don't have an answer either, but I think it has something to do with "bread and circuses". The right wing is continually shouting about lower taxes (even though only they mean lower taxes for the rich). They keep on screaming they want Big Government out of our lives (but, again, they mean out of the lives of the corporations and billionaires). They keep on wringing their hands about runaway government spending (even though in just 6 years they are the ones who spent over a one $trillion unfunded dollars on the Iraq misadventure and another $700 unfunded billion on a bailout for their banker buddies).

But what they actually doesn't seem to matter to the working class. All they seem to hear are the words "lower taxes", "less government" and "cut spending" repeated over and over like a mantra. So they vote for the guys chanting the mantra, regardless of what those guys actually do when they are in office.

The progressive need to take their cue from the right: Just start talking about all that kind of stuff all the time. And wave the flag a lot. Oh, yeah, also talk about God more. Apparently it doesn't matter if you believe it any of that stuff or do it -- just say it, take the votes and run.

-- JR

Anonymous said...

One of the best books I ever read describes why Americans vote against their own interests. It's title is "What's Wrong with Kansas?" I highly recommend it.
Tom Miko