Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hospital CEOs: Naked Greed Heads

The LA Times articles outing CEOs of public hospitals and the venal yearly compensation they receive should cause our lawmakers to hold hearings, at the very least.

They might discover the job description of these greed heads is two fold.

1) To figure out new ways to screw the hospital employees, and
2) To figure out new ways to screw the patients.

The shameless spokesman for one hospital claims, without offering any evidence, hospitals must pay top dollar to these clowns because the are the best.

Now, how did he find that out? Did he Google their names? Check the ads in Naked Greed Monthly?

The spokesman went on to say the compensation for public hospital CEOs pales in contrast to what private sector CEOs receive. More like beyond the Pale.

The CEO of a local private hospital got his picture in the paper a few years back for his magnanimous act of handing out Snickers candy bars to employees he thought were caught in the act of doing a good job. One victim/employee is rumored to have told the sawed-off little squirt what he could do with his candy bar.

Consider the fact the million-dollar CEO makes five times the money of your average doctor’s income.

Next time you’re kicked out of the hospital the day after an operation when medical opinion concludes your condition merits a few more days’ hospitalization, just think of these CEOs. And the vulgar rich who run Medical Insurance Companies. And THEIR employees in Congress.

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