Friday, November 21, 2008

Wild Blue Yonder

A few years back the Air Wing of the CIA's Murder Incorporated (Peruvian Branch) managed to shoot down a civilian aircraft on the suspicion it was carrying (and I hope you're sitting down) drugs.

It turned out this plane was carrying nothing more lethal than Bibles, and Missionaries to introduce the Good Book to the native population (which is a step up from what our civilization used to impose on the unbaptized)

Mother missionary and daughter were killed while father missionary and son escaped death.

Boy, were there red faces at the CIA! Actually no. Those responsible for this murder (and it would be charged as murder if this ugly passion play happened in the USA) hid in the baseboards when investigators shined their flashlights in the darker corners of the agency. Huddled in that darkness, they crossed their antennae and hoped for the best.

The investigation of this murder is about to be reopened and we can only expect the worse and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good writing. That sounds like the plot of a movie.l